Feeling down or stressed is a natural part of life, but that doesn't mean we have to stay stuck in those negative emotions.

Here are five simple to practice strategies you can start using today to improve your mood and feel better:
Change your focus: What you focus on expands, so if you're feeling down, try shifting your focus to things that bring you joy or make you feel good. Now, this could seem not easy at first but it could be spending time with loved ones, engaging in a hobby, or simply noticing the beauty in the world around you. Examples: Going for a hike in nature, calling a friend to catch up, or taking a few minutes to appreciate the sunset anything that takes your focus off that subject or feeling.
Practice gratitude: Gratitude has the power to shift your perspective and improve your mood. Take a few moments each day to think about the things you are thankful for, and make a habit of expressing your appreciation to others. Examples: Keeping a gratitude journal, sending a thank-you note to someone who has made a difference in your life, or saying a silent thank-you before meals, being kind to others, and overall just looking for positive aspects around you.
Take care of your body: Your physical health plays a big role in how you feel emotionally. Make sure you're getting enough rest, eating nourishing meals, and getting some physical activity each day. Examples: Going to bed at a consistent time each night, packing a healthy lunch for work, or taking a walk after dinner, going to the gym, walking, or anything that moves your body and energy.
Nurture your relationships: Strong social connections are essential for our well-being. Take time to cultivate and nurture the relationships in your life, whether that means reaching out to a friend, spending quality time with loved ones, or simply showing appreciation for the people in your life. Examples: Scheduling a weekly phone call with a distant relative, having a game night with friends, or volunteering with a group that shares your values.
Find ways to let go: Holding onto negative emotions or stress can weigh us down and contribute to feelings of unhappiness. Practice finding healthy ways to release these emotions, whether that means journaling, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, or finding a physical outlet through activities like exercise or art. Examples: Going for a run to blow off steam, taking up painting as a creative outlet, or writing in a journal to process your thoughts and emotions.
Remember, it's okay to not feel okay all the time. Be easy with yourself and try not to let down days ruin all the possible up-high vibing days to come and how you are getting better and better at this.